Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
7 tablets of creation
Sunday, 16 December 2007
If you want to know why there's such chaos in the world today?
Then please read the information below and watch as many videos as you can to find out the A-Z of earths
past present and future,
cosmic reality.
Don't worry, I've included the positive side to the story also.
"IF this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier. Just as long as I'm the dictator." -
(George W. Bush)
Ok everybody, you know in your heart of hearts that this is what he really means, so before you proceed to the main videos, i invite you to listen to a true genius of our time.This is the great modern Shaman himself
Mr Terrence McKenna.
The following list of titles and videos correspond with the contents of my up-coming poetry book.
Please do keep returning to view all the many new videos that i will be posting over time.
I am
Dr S. E Lemuria.
(contact me at )
This work could very well have a mind and awareness expanding positive affect on your consciousness.

Abydos-Egyptian site where hieroglyphics of modern technology were found.
Adamic men-The character Adam from the Bible was not one man, it was a race.
Affirmation-To create your own reality through your repetitive verbal and visual beliefs.
Akhenaton-18th dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh who tried to turn the empire into a fascist monotheistic society.
Alchemy-To turn base metals into precious metals, but is symbolic of humans achieving enlightenment.
Alcyone-Earths sun orbits this central sun of the Milky Way galaxy. One of the seven sisters.
Alexandria library-Great library in Ancient Egypt that was destroyed by the Christian Romans.
Aliens-There are many known races from the stars and different places in time which are visiting planet earth at this time.3 of them are nefarious.
Allah-Great wrathful male God of the Muslim religion.
Altiplano Bolivia-High plane in Bolivia which fit’s the dimensions of Atlantis given by Plato.
Amphibian features-Most humans did not evolve from apes but straight from reptiles.
Amun-Ra-Great SUN-God of the ancient Egyptians and most ancient races. This is where the word amen originates.Ra meant ray as in SUN-ray.A certain religion worships on SUN-day for this very reason.Because they are part of a very ancient pagan SUN-cult, and they have no idea.
Anakim gene-The ancestors of all the various humans races come from different places in the galaxy and space, and had offspring that were named the Anakim in the Bible.
Ancient atomic rubble-There were nuclear wars in the very ancient world. Between 2000-3000BC.
Ancient companions-Referring to souls that humans continuously incarnate with again and again in their many lives.
Ancient W.M.D’s-There may have been a spit of truth to the search for WMD’s, as Iraq is where the Annuniki gods had their first bases and we know that they had a nuclear war back in prehistory.
Andrews base-Where the American presidents private plane is stationed along with many fighter jets yet none of them done a thing on 911.
Angel-In the Bible angels were very human-like and were responsible for many deaths also.
Animal gods-Native and ancient people understood animals to be brothers /sisters teachers and gods.
Annuniki-The Iraqi Extra-terrestrial gods of the Bible.
Anti-Christ-A leader who will fool the ignorant believers in the world that he is the Messiah.
Get ready with the pause button.
Now watch this.
One of the major prophesied characteristics of the brief kingdom of Antichrist will be a One-World Religion! (Rev 13:11-18)
What do you think this means?
"Problems of world could be solved following the teaching of Islam: Prince Charles", Pak Tribune, November 01, 2006
Anu’s astro belt-The asteroid belt is what’s left of a decimated planet that existed once in the solar-system.
Anubis-Egyptian jackal god of the underworld.
Aquarian age-The religious age of Pisces is finishing and the Aquarian age of light is coming in.
Aramaic-The language that Jesus/Yeshua would have used to speak to his friends and family.
Arcing electricity-When this shot out of the Ark of the Covenant the primitive people thought it was the Lord.
Ark-The golden box used to store radio-active elements in the Bible.
Ark and Jericho-The Arks sonic earthquake power was used to bring down the giant walls of this ancient city.
Armageddon-The so-called final battle that is said to bring peace. It has already started. For many races.
Aspartame-Poisonous sweetener put into soft-drinks as a mind suppressant.
Assyria-Northern civilization of ancient Mesopotamia/Iraq.
Astrology-Study of how positions of celestial objects and their gravities affect the earth and her humans.Religious folk say astrology is magic and the work of the Devil and yet you can read this in the Bible quite clearly.
(Job 9:8-10)
8 He alone spreads out the heavens,
And treads on the waves of the sea;
9 He made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades,
And the chambers of the south;
10 He does great things past finding out,
Yes, wonders without number.
Atlantis-Archaeologists are forever finding evidence of a great ancient lost civilization all over the earth, but try to think of Atlantis as more of a time rather than a location.
Babylon/Iraq-One of the greatest cities of the ancient world which held much knowledge of the ancient earth.
Baghdad batteries-???
Bal-Bek-An ancient construction in Modern Lebanon that was built with monoliths weighing over 1000 tons.
Beast-The demonic entity from Revelations, but is symbolic of the New World Order.
Bible-Jewish/Christian holy book which tells the story of how extra-terrestrial gods came to earth with their technology and genetically meddled with the original humans.
Bible thumpers-Christians who have let their religion drive them insane.
Big bang-???
Big-brain creation-Referring to the mutation which happened after humans started to ingest magic-mushrooms.
Big Brother-The Illuminati network of total world intrusion by the use of surveillance cameras.
Bill Hicks-Genius American comedian who knew what was gong on.
Billy Meires-The only real provable alien contactee. The Pleaidians also took him on flights in their disc ships while letting him take many pictures.
Bio-rhythm SUN-god-The ancients knew the sun directly affected human behaviour and so they worshipped it to keep on its good side.
Bird flu-Most certainly this disease exists but lies about how dangerous it is are being used to control parts of the earth.
Birth of Venus-The planet Venus first appeared in the sky in 3114BC when something made its icy poles shift to reflect the sun.
Birth trauma- The barbaric procedure of giving birth immediately engrains fears, phobias, and insecurities in the human babies subconscious. Water births do not do this.
Black arts-Magic and its symbols are neutral, they can be reversed to be used for power and evil. It would make you sick if you knew how many prominent world faces are Satanists.
Black-hole-Passageways to other galaxies, where not even light escapes.
This is what Stephen Hawking had to say about Black Holes recently.
Blind faith-The madness of believing blindly in primitive humans belief systems that were only relevant to people who didn’t understand science. In other words, what they thought was God was simply nature doing its thing.
Bloodlines-The same bloodlines have terrorized and have been in power from the very ancient world.
These videos are from bloodlines of power.
Bonobos-Highly intelligent family of chimps who can communicate with humans through computer games.
Brains in compartments-Trauma based mind-control breaks the mind into compartments which are unaware of each other. These people are then used for prostitution and to run drugs for political known political faces.
B.S.E-This lie is wheeled out every time there is a need to ruin farmers who wont comply with G.M. food production.
Buddah-Indian prince, born over 2,5oo years ago who decided to live in poverty and attain enlightenment. The later Jesus (sun-god) story is identical.
Burning bush-God was said to talk to Moses through a burning bush, but when you read it carefully you realize Moses had just eaten “manna” which was magic-mushrooms.
Buval-Robert Buval was the author researcher who first noticed the connection between the three pyramids of Giza and the 3 stars on the belt of the Hunter. The Orion constellation.
Celtic-Great Druidic people who settled on the islands of Briton. They originally came from Lemuria and were not corrupted by nefarious bloodlines. The extermination of these people throughout history has been deliberate.
Central sun-Earths sun orbits Alcyone the central sun of the Milky Way. The solar system is part of a much larger cycle of evolution and at this time of history information light is beaming onto earth from Alcyone the Milky way galaxies central sun and awakening every human on earth.
Chakras-There are 7 main wheels of light which connect to major glands and organs in the human body. If they are blocked with negative energy the body becomes diseased.
Chamber airshafts-The so-called airshafts in the Great Pyramid, are actually there to channel energy from the stars they are aligned to.
Channel alpha-Symbolic title, meaning to open up to your higher God-self. Tuning into channel alpha.
Chem-trail-The Governments are dumping chemicals over all major cities of the world, the residue looks like normal plane trails but it is deadly.
Cherubim-Little angel-like characters. In the Bible, Ark lightning jumped between the two on the lid of the golden Ark. They were elements.
Cheyenne mountain-American nuclear proof mountain which houses the command centre that controls home defence. Yet it did nothing on 911.
Chi-The Chinese name for the energy force of the universe that flows through everything and is everything.
Christ Consciousness-The level of 9 dimensional consciousness that Jesus was but can also be attained by any human.
Christos revelations-
Clone-An identical copy of a individual. But do they have a soul.
C.M.E-Stands for coronal mass ejection, which are giant solar flares which spout from the sun. Some are millions of miles long and could easily fry the earth in a second.
Coincidence-There is no such thing as you already planned your life before coming to earth. Coincidence is to let you know you are on your life-path
Comet- Giant dusty snowballs that slam into planets like sperm wiping out life an mutating different life into being with their radiation and viruses.
Comet Anu-When comets fell or were seen in the sky the humans thought it was the gods returning in their rocket ships. Anu was the leader of the Annuniki.
Comet germs-The fact that germs/genes from space slam into planets and mutate species
Comet Messiah-Christians are expecting the return of peace in the form of Jesus the Messiah. But due to their lack of science and understanding of their own texts they cannot see that this will be in the form of a massive returning celestial body.This fella is one of the few believers that have a clue what is actually going to happen.
Conditioned reality-The form of false-reality that is beamed into peoples minds daily by tel-lie-vision.
Constantine-Roman Emperor who hijacked the original pure Gnostic Christianity and fashioned it into the many demonic forms of today.
Council of Nicea-This is where Constantine decided to banish Jesus original teachings of reincarnation.
Creationism-People who think the entire infinite universe was created in an earth week. Yet again their lack of understanding of their own texts shows.
Creationists-Think the earth was made between 6-12 thousand years ago. DOH!
Creo-lution- A word I created to help the opposing sides of this argument realize they have more in common than they have differences. Evolution and creationism mixed.
Crop circle-Magnificent geometrical formations in fields that are there to awaken humans to the fact that other intelligent races are here and trying to make contact.
Crystal technology-Lost civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis encoded their knowledge in crystal. Modern humans use silicon.
Cubits-Ancient Biblical form of measurement. From elbow to fingertip.
Cuneiform-Ancient language of the Annuniki space-gods that has been found in Iraq inscribed on clay tablets, telling the original uncorrupted story of the flood and Genesis.
Dark-age-After a comet instigated the fall of Rome, Europe went back to the stone-age, and was swamped by Christianities dark world vision.
Dark-lords-The faces who control governments are just puppets, they bow down to unseen demonic forces which exist outside of earths 3rd dimension.They worship a comet/planet/messiah called Nibiru.
Dark matter-Human scientists can only see 10% of matter and space, the rest is dark-matter and is thought to be the consciousness that controls it all.
Dark-side of the government-There is a world government that controls all world governments and their god is Lucifer. This is The New World Order.
Darwin-He hatched the idea of natural selection within nature. He was correct for his day but different species evolve through mutation, not selection.
David Icke-Great researcher who has dedicated his life to expose the false reality that people of the earth believe to be real.
Dead sea-Salt lake which lies between Israel and Jordan, which came into form after an ancient nuclear attack on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah .The lowest place on earth.
Deliberate reality-The act of consciously creating your perfect reality by being fully aware of every thought and wish.
Delilah- In the Bible she cut Samson’s hair which made him lose his strength. This is symbolic of the sun losing is strength as the name Delilah means night-time.
Demi-god-The Pharaohs and Caesars believed themselves to be part god. This is in fact true as their bloodlines were genetically modified to rule the earth for the gods.
Dendera-Proof the Egyptians had electric light bulbs.
Destiny-Is where in your life you will inevitably end up but it depends on how you plan your journey as to how the outcome manifests.
Dinosaurs-You are told these magnificent creatures were all wiped out 65 million years ago, but many species existed up until the cataclysm of 13000 BC.
D.M.T-Terrence McKenna talkingabout his trip.
Dogon tribe-African people who claim to be directly descended from extraterrestrials from Sirius.
Dollars eye and pyramid-On the reverse of the one dollar bill is a picture of a pyramid with the capstone missing. It says New Order of the age. This is the Illumnati New World Order showing you who controls America.
Double think-
Dragon-lines-The energy ley-lines that criss-cross the earth contain life force serpent energy. This is why the Druids built their temples on the intersections.
Druid-Shamanic spiritual teachers who held the knowledge of the healing earth powers. They were wiped out by Christians, and yet Jesus/Yeshua was a Shamanic Druid.
Dust-ball makers-???
Earths axis grid-???
Earths continuous mass-Referring to the area of Africa where the Great Pyramid was built, where the longest intersection of landmass anywhere on the earth exists.
Earths expansion-13,000 years ago a global cataclysm changed the face of the earth. Its thought that a polar-shift took place, but the earth actually expanded, forcing the continents apart.
Earths first time souls-Many ancient souls are here working to evolve humans out of this present chaos. But because of over population, many infant-like souls get born to follow primitive belief systems causing chaos.
Earths 4 cardinal points-The Great Pyramid was aligned exactly to the points of the compass. How did so-called primitives do this?
Eden-Symbolic garden in the Bible where God created Adam and Eve. This is ancient Iraq where the Annuniki/Elohim extraterrestrial gods genetically manipulated the earth humans with their genes.
Eden-burgh-Edinburgh was named so because it was the new headquarters of the Illuminati, from where they would re-start their New World Order from in the form of education.
E-din-This is the original way Eden was spelt in Sumerian text.
Eldridge- A ship that the Americans in 1943 made disappear, (with the help of alien technology) and travel through time to 1983.
Electric dictators-Your television set which tells you how to perceive the world in a mostly negative way, so that you can in turn create your own hell with your negative thoughts.
Elohim-The God of the Bible and Torah. But this word is a plural, meaning gods. Extraterrestrials.
El Shaddai-Was just one of many entities that the Hebrews were told was God in the Bible. This being was an alchemist who manufactured powdered gold within a Sinai mountain temple.
Elven teachers-There is a 2 dimensional world just below the 3rd dimension where you can access the Elves and Fairies for their earth knowledge by ingesting hallucinogenic plants.
End-times-The many blind believers within all the religions have been programmed to believe it is the end of the world, but its actually the end of an age of the zodiac and a long overdue cleansing and new beginning.
End-timers-Hardcore nutcase Christians who are trying to speed up Armageddon by re-building the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, because they think Jesus is coming back. They have no respect for earth.
Enki and Enlil-The Bible is written from much earlier Sumerian texts where Anu’s sons fought over rule of the earth. This is why God is schizophrenic, because there was more than one being in the story.
Enlightenment-The state achieved by Buddha and Jesus. It meant being a god in human form, knowing all things.
Enoch-Grandfather of Noah whose books were taken out of the Bible because he talked about other worlds and extraterrestrials.
Entertaining aggressors-The ever brainwashing television.
Equinox earth survey-When the Sirian gods landed on earth they partook in a total earth survey so that they could align their pyramids exactly with their home stars.
Esoteric black magicians-The New World Order is made up of satanic black magicians, who are in contact with pan dimensional nefarious beings who want as much human sacrifice (war) as possible.
Essenne-These were the holy group of Druids that Jesus/Yeshua belonged to. They built Qumran out in the desert to live a secret knowledge existence.
Ethereal realms-What you know as reality is just a little bit. There are countless worlds consciously above and below this one occupying the same space, where many different entities exist.
Evolutionists-People who believe that life has followed one long path to where humans are today. But they leave so much out just to fit their primitive beliefs.
Evolutionary theory-The theory of survival of the fittest is correct up to a point, but this is an old past theory, science has moved far beyond such ideas into the realm of understanding cellular mutation.
Exodus-In the Bible its said the Israelites escaped Egypt out of slavery, but there is no evidence of this in any civilizations historical records.
Ezekiel-In the Bible this fellow is standing watching circular discs with beings inside them fly around in front of him, and is taken on a flight up through the sky.
Faked attack-There is a rumour that the New World Order will fake an extraterrestrial attack to convince all people of the need for a one world government. But it will be a fascist electronic micro-chip nightmare.
Fall of man-Humans were once amazing creatures connected telepathically to the earth but the gods tuned them down genetically with their alien D.N.A and created evil within mankind.
False prophets-The religious people of the world point guns and hate at each other claming each other are wrong, and yet their very belief systems were created by the same forces.
Fate-Fate is the place you will end up if you continue along your present path. Your fate is entirely your own making, so create your own reality.
Fisher of men-Jesus/Yeshua was called the fisher of men not because he hung around with fishermen but because the New Testament is the symbolic story of how the sun travels through the time of Pisces, the 2 fishes.
Flash frozen-13,000 ago after the comets struck that instigated earths expansion and the polar-shift 98% of species were wiped out and many were found frozen fast by a great cold.
Flouride-This poison was a waste product of the aluminium trade, they dumped it into rivers but it killed masses of fish so they now put it in human water supplies, it is an intellect suppressant. It doesn’t clean teeth.
Flower of life-???
Foot and mouth-A cattle disease used as an excuse to destroy stocks of farmers beef, and ruin the farmer because they wouldn’t grow G.M crap. Also used to keep people out of certain areas of countryside.
Free will universe-There are many races who have come here from other worlds to help the humans but are not allowed to intervene. If there is ever direct interference in earth matters then it is nefarious.
Frequencies-Humans only see a small percentage of their world, just a tiny frequency. Reality is actually like radio waves, you can only hear or see them if you can tune into their frequency.
Gaelic Irish-The original people of the British Isles and Ireland. These people originally came from Lemuria and were uncorrupted by the gods hybrid genetic experiments.
Gaia-The alive, conscious essence of Mother Earth.
Gargoyle cities-The Illuminati cities of the world are built to geometric esoteric dimensions, London, Paris and Washington DC, are covered in magical symbols and artwork from Egypt, Rome and before.
Genesis-First book of the Bible telling of the creation. But yet again this is a copy of much earlier Sumerian and Babylonian texts .
Giza-Site on the edge of Cairo Egypt where the 3 pyramids are built.
Global elite-Also known as the Bilderberg group. These are the people who really run the world, controlling all governments and funding all revolutions and wars.
Global warming-This is a myth constructed to scare more taxes out of people. The warming planet is caused by the sun, but that doesn’t mean that human greed isn’t polluting he planet. All the planets are warming.
Gnostics-Secret religious sect who followed the original teachings of Jesus/Yeshua and who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. They were wiped out by the Romans who then Invented Roman Catholism.
gods-All religions are based around the arrival of extraterrestrial beings on earth thousands of years ago. Comets seen in the night sky were thought to be the returning gods in their rocket ships.
God-The conscious all-knowing creation essence of the universe. Not a wrathful killer who wants his creations to sacrifice their children and destroy each other in constant holy wars. God is chi-ki-kundalini-prana yin-yang, love.
Goddess-The ancient earth people were right brained Goddess worshippers and they lived in total harmony and peace. But this all changed with the arrival of the gods who invented male dominated religions.
God plants-Hallucinogenic plants used by Shamans right through history to meet with the teachers of mankind.
God-spell-The spell cast over millions of insecure souls on earth to believe that they are born sinners and will burn in hell. The dark-lords invented all religions to hide the fact that all humans are actual gods in their own right.
Golden ratio-This is the number of nature and God. It is the spiral proportion found everywhere in the universe and in everything on earth. It is the number 1.6.
Google earth-Advanced internet technology that can see into any street in any country. So how if the American military is 50 years ahead in technology, how could they not see Saddams movements. Bullshit!
Grail-Many think the grail is the secret bloodline of Jesus but actually it is the magic-mushroom which was ingested by all holy men to meet with God and receive secret earth knowledge.
Grassy knoll-This is the site where J.F.K supposedly received one of his fatal shots from.
Graven image-It says in the Bible not to create any image or idol of God to be worshipped. So what are these blood stained statues hanging in churches being worshipped?
Great Pyramid-Most perfect building ever to be created on earth. Never was it a tomb, it was built with the help of the 6 dimensional Sirians to inject advanced sacred geometry into the memory of the 3D earth plane.
Gregorian birth-????
Gregorian leap years-The Gregorian calendar of 28,29,30 and 31 days was only put in place to disconnect humans from the natural Mayan moon calendar which consisted of 13 months of 28 days.
Gulf war syndrome-The allied soldiers of the first Gulf war were subjected to chemical weapon experimentation by their own military. The multi-vaccines they had to take to protect them ended up poisoning them.
Guru-There have been many great spiritual teachers on earth and people follow them like they are God. They of course all have their knowledge value but they are not to be worshipped, just respected and understood.
Harmonic star-gate pyramid-The Great Pyramid was never ever a tomb, it was a star-gate built by the ancient Egyptians with help of the Sirians to geometrically harmonize and raise up earths vibration.
Heart chakra-When people say they feel love in their hearts its not actually the physical heart organ, they are actually feeling prana-chi energy spinning in their heart chakra coming through their light body.
Heathen-An insult for someone who does not follow any type of organized religion.
Heaven-There may well be a spirit world of eternal light after this life but the very religious people who believe in this concept are creating a hell on earth at this time, by projecting their consciousness into an unknown future.
Her-story-The real story of Mother Earth (the Goddess), which has been systematically erased by the terrorizing male dominated religions.
Go to to find (Hidden History of the Human Race Pt.1)and its follow-ups
His-story-The false version of her-story written by the pens of men for political and religious gain. History is always written by the victor.
Hollow space-ship moon-The moon is actually hollow, its interior was once home to an ancient race who travelled across space in this celestial body. There were originally two moons, neither still exist.
Hologram mind projection-Everything your 5 senses can pickup is a hologram produced by your subconscious mind. Whatever you let absorb into your subconscious becomes your reality. This includes television.
Hubble-the ratio that expresses the rate of the universe’s expansion. Also the name of the most powerful space satellite telescope in the world.
Hunters belt-The constellation of Orion represents Osiris in Egyptian religion. Orion is the hunter and the 3 Giza Pyramids are aligned to the 3 stars in the belt at the date of 10,500BC.
Hunter Gatherers-
Hybrid-religion-All religions fight and kill because they think they are right and think they are unique and just human, but its easy to trace most western and middle eastern religions to Egypt and Iraq where they were started by extra-terrestrials.
Hyksos-Were a Semitic people who came to power in Egypt in the 18th dynasty with one of their own becoming Pharaoh, his name was Akhenaton. Akhenaton changed the centuries old religions into a monotheistic belief.
Ice-age-The earth goes through ice-ages in observable cycles but times of ice can also be caused by comet impacts that set off volcanoes whose dust black out the sun causing years of prolonged cooler temperatures.
Ice-dragons-The ancients thought comets and meteorites in the sky were the ancient dragon/reptilian gods returning.
ID card-The New World order are trying to bring in mandatory ID cards by causing as much deliberate chaos across the world as possible. They will then say the cards aren’t working and attempt to bring in micro-chipping.
Incas-Amazing spiritual civilization that existed in Peru/Bolivia. They were the people who adopted the mountain worshipping temple of Maccu Piccu which was so well hidden that the demonic Spanish didn’t destroy it.
Indigo-children-A medium lady who can see peoples auras noticed that from around the year 1974 different highly evolved children were incarnated on the earth. Their auras were coloured indigo.
Below is a video about an Indigo that used to live on Mars millions of years ago.
Inner Christ-Jesus is not coming back, this has been heavily misunderstood. What is happening is that there is a coming jump in human evolution in 2012 when Christ consciousness awakens in the self.
Inner sun-Many believe there are holes at the north and south poles which are gates to the inner earth. Its believed the northern lights are light coming from the central sun of the light city of Shamballa.
Intellect mind-The mind has two sides, the right female side controls emotion and intuition and the left is intellect and logic. The western world is predominately left and male dominated.
Inter-pineal mankind-The Goddess was once worshipped and humans were right brain thinkers having use of their telepathic abilities. The pineal glands powers are now virtually turned off and tuned down.
Inter-dimensional-This is the 3rd dimension and is the lowest where physical beings can exist. But humans are multi-dimensional and many of the beings who come to earth observing are inter-dimensional, not extraterrestrial.
Immortal-Everything including humans is energy and cant die, it just transforms into another form of energy. This means that consciousness is immortal and can stay intact between different physical incarnations.(this is Ram Dass)
Jack n Ory-Childrens program which told a different tale everyday.
Jehovah-Main God of the Bible Hebrews. They were said to be monotheistic (belief in one God) but its clear they worshipped many and chose Jehovah as top dog.
Jesus-Character and story made up by the Romans from the life and times of a real holy Druidic Shaman spiritual master called Yeshua. The New Test-amen-t was made up also of the Mithras religion and pagan sun worship.
Jihad-The Muslims version of the Armageddon holy war to end all wars.
Jordan Maxwell-Highly respected researcher and speaker on the topic of the identity of the Illuminati, and the E.T takeover of earth.
Karma-Due to the electro-magnetic make up of creation, every thought and action will attract the very same type of energy and life situation back into your life. In this one or the next.
Khem-Is the ancient name for Egypt. This is where the word and science of alchemy comes from.
Ki-The is the Japanese version of Chi-prana-kundalini- lifeforce.
Kings chamber granite coffer-Inside the Great Pyramid is what looks like a coffer to hold a sarcophagus, but there was no mummy, no treasure and no hieroglyphics found anywhere inside. Its not a tomb.
Koran-Holy book of the Muslims which followers of the Great teacher Mohammad wrote. Just like Yeshua/Jesus he never wrote anything down so didn’t actually invent the religion. His followers did.
Kundalini-The God energy that lies dormant at the bottom of each humans spine. It can be awakened and will spiral like a serpent up into the pineal gland, and with the help of meditation spark enlightenment.
Left-brained-The left side of the brain is the male, aggressive, logical and intellectual part. The world is ruled by this mentality but thank goodness balance is coming back in. Education is predominantly left-brained.
Left hand course-Referring to taking the dark path to power, as in selling your soul for notoriety and fame.
Lemuria-Great spiritual telepathic civilization of earth before the aliens came and created Atlantis, genetically meddled with humans and waged war. The Islands of the Pacific are what’s left of the Lermurian continent.
Leo constellation-The Great pyramid was first built in the zodiac time of Leo around 10,500 BC. It was aligned to the lion in the sky to let future human races know that advanced humans were on the earth before.
Lightning crystal cutters-The ancients had technology of a kind that is only being re-discovered now with advanced science. Don’t think for a second that granite blocks were cut with a soft metal such as copper.
Life-force-This is the conscious God energy that flows through all and is all.
Life’s hologram-What you see is a holographic mind projection of what you believe to be reality. What you believe to be reality is what is inside your subconscious mind. Don’t you think you should watch what goes in it?
Linear illusion-Referring to linear time being past to present to future. This is illusion as it was humans that invented time. All time happens in the same ever-evolving moment.
Lizard humanoids-There is a race of E.T’s here on earth at this time controlling all evil through possession of powerful human figures. They are reptilian and humans are their food source and sustenance.
Longest land meridian-The Great Pyramid was perfectly built on the longest 90 degree intersecting piece of landmass on the planet. To have done this the builders would have had to have surveyed the entire earth. From the air.
Lord Pacal-The Mayan equivalent of Jesus/Yeshua, who was also a symbol of the sun and a great spiritual teacher. He came to earth from the star Maya in the 7 sisters to implant the Mayan calendar back on earth.
Lots wife-In the original Sumerian text story she was turned to a cloud of vapour rather than a pillar of salt when the god Enlil/Jehova nuked the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible.
Lower 4th dimension-This is a level that contains some very nefarious individuals. When satanic rituals are taking place in the 3rd dimension they are contacting reptilian demons to offer them blood.
Luciferian blunder-Many dying races in the universe decided to create artificial intelligence and clones of themselves trying to find the soul. But what they did was weaken their connection to the source.
Lunar synchronicity-When humans were using the nature moon calendar of 13 months and 28 days women’s menstrual cycles were in sync with the cosmos, and birthing humans were in harmony with earth.
Machu Piccu-Great monolithic mountain worshipping temple in Peru that the Spanish Christians couldn’t find to decimate and destroy.
Macrobes-The demon entities that are contacted through satanic ritual reside in the lower 4th dimension .Microbes are tiny life forms that are so small they can only be seen with a microscope, macrobes are the opposite.
Magic-eye-Behind the centre of the forehead inside the middle of the brain lies the pineal gland. When you hear about peoples all seeing telepathic 3rd eye it is referring to this gland which used to be spiritually active.
Magic-mushrooms -These God plants do not create hallucinations, their chemicals react with hallucinogenic hormones already present in the brain. Humans have eaten mushrooms for 40,000 years.
Mahabharata-Ancient Indian texts that tell the story of the nuclear war of the gods. These texts talk of destruction and technology that was only invented in the 20th century with the atom bomb and nuclear physics.
Male monotheism-The ancient earth people used to worship the Goddess, and earth was loved and respected, later on male dominated religions took over and the Goddess was raped and plundered.
Mammalian brain-This is the most modern part of the human brain. The most ancient part which controls aggression and ritual is called the reptilian brain.
Manchurian-The military have brainwashed many of their own to become sleepers. These soldiers will be activated at some point to carry out assassinations. Its always a lone gunman, isn’t it?
Mandrake-This plant is believed to have magical powers as a drug was prepared from the root.
Manifestation-Everything thing that exists in your life started of as a thought or idea, in other words you thought and willed it into existence with your thoughts and actions. Be very careful what you wish for.
Manifestation time delay-In the 4th dimension thoughts manifest instantly, but in the 3rd dimension as you know there is a time delay. People think they cant manifest, but they are simply getting distracted.
Mantra thought-Some words and some names of gods have a certain vibration when chanted. These words when repeated can send the individual into a heightened sense of awareness.
Manufactured-history-History is always written by the victors of the wars. Religion when translated into different languages can also be manipulated. His-story is a farce. Her-story is the real story.
Manufactured war-All wars are manipulated into being to serve the agenda of the New Word Order. If you control and fund both sides you can control the outcome of the battles.
Mars-There are pyramids and cities on Mars and once a great civilization lived there. Many thousands of years ago something struck the planet destroying this world and the survivors arrived on earth.
Matrix-If you watch the films and you have a grasp of what reality is really like with its infinite levels of consciousness, you will soon realize that these films are highly symbolic yet also extremely close to the truth.
Mayan-This great civilization existed in middle America and built incredible pyramids but were destroyed and brutally slaughter by the so-called Christians.
Mayan calendar-This is the nature calendar that the Mayans came to earth to re-implant back into the memory of the planet. They built great pyramids to help balance earth for the coming of the 9 dimensional Christ.
Meditation-This is an ancient technique to help individuals plug back into the source and clean out their subconscious mind. It was developed back in pre-history to combat and control the reptilian alien D.N.A within.
Megiddo-All religions are now screaming for their holy wars as they think some saviour is coming to take them to heaven. But Armageddon is a place in northern Israel, it means the mountains of Megiddo.
Melanin-This is the skin pigment that makes coloured people dark. The original people of the earth were black, as earth is very close to the sun. Skin colour has to do with what stars you are exposed to.
Melatonin-A hormone derived from serotonin and secreted by the pineal gland that produces changes in the skin colour of vertebrates, reptiles, and amphibians and is important in regulating biorhythms and consciousness.
Mesopotamia-Ancient Iraq where the Bible is mostly set. This is where the Annuniki gods constructed E-din and genetically meddled with humans. The Illuminati are now there looking for ancient W.M.D‘s.
Michael Tsarion-Amazing Irish researcher who has dedicated his life to exposing the truth of pre-history. He can read and understand ancient Irish and Norse texts.
Micro-chip-It is the dream of the New World Order to reduce the world population to half a billion people and to micro-chip all remaining humans turning them into nothing more than cyborgs.
Micro-meteorites-40,000 years ago a giant super-nova exploded light-years away blasting radiation and tiny radioactive meteorites all over the northern hemisphere of earth.
Milky way-The galaxy earth belongs to which contains 100 billion stars is just one of a 100 billion known galaxies. You can see the milky way at night because you are looking from a spiral arm into the centre of the star mass.
Mind control-People are mind controlled every day to eat this, vote this way or buy this. The news and papers are the biggest form of mind control next to religion.People can also be mind-controlled into becoming super-soldiers.See video below.
Milky Weg-Dutch version of Milky way. I got it from the name of a club in Amsterdam, as it fitted into the rhyme.
Mind language-Ancient Lemurian humans used to communicate telepathically with each other and animals. When the gods arrived they brought language which turned off this human talent.
Mind speech-Telepathy is still evident in some twins and sometimes among couples, certainly most animals. When verbal language was introduced, the use of the pineal gland was neglected and it became calcified.
Missing link-If humans think they came from primates they better think again. There is no missing link, humans are the missing link.
Mithraism-Religion brought from Persia into the middle east by St Paul to help compile the Christian New Testament. This disguised their SUN-god religion and presented it secretly to a new modern audience.
Mir station-
Mk-Ultra-German mind control experiment started by the Nazis and later perfected by the Americans when they brought the Nazi scientists to America after world war 2.
Mohammad-Prophet from the Muslim religion who received the Koran from Allah.
Montauk dock-
Mr Ed-Comedy black and white show about a talking horse.
Mt Horeb-One of the various locations of Mt Sinai from the Bible. This was a mountain temple used to manufacture powered gold.
Mushroom Psilocybin-Magic mushrooms were ingested by humans 40,000 years ago, and their effects first expanded the human mind to think about life death and God.
Mushroom-manna bread-In Bible Moses and the Israelites picked the manna in the morning before it rotted and got worms. Every time they ate this so-called bread they met God. It was magic mushrooms.
Mushroom spores-At a certain time in pre-history a planet exploded and sent ice comets out which slammed into planets seeding them with life. Earth was seeded with hallucinogenic plants spores this way.
Mushroom supper-The last supper for Yeshua and his disciples was a feast of blood (wine) and bread (magic mushroom).No surprise the disciples had incredible God experiences.
Mushroom/tree of knowledge-God (the gods) didn’t want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of Knowledge in the garden of Eden/Iraq/Sumeria because they would become like them knowing all. It was again, the mushroom.
Mu-Nick name for Lemuria, the great sunken civilization in the pacific, and the earth name I chose when I came back this time.
Mystery schools-In ancient Egypt chosen initiates were taught all the many ancient mystery arts such as tarot, alchemy, healing etc as one . Later these would be split up and wrongly seen as opposite arts.
Nature gods-Before religion and science the earth people worshipped the actions of nature as it was all they knew. You only have to look at ancient Greece to see their ocean and volcano gods etc.
Nazca plains-Giant pictures of zodiac animals scraped into the desert in Bolivia. There are also perfectly scraped lines going in all directions.
Negative buoyancy-A term used in scuba diving to mean sinking rather than being positive or neutrally buoyant.
Nephilm-In the Bible these were the extraterrestrial creator gods of the Anakim, the giants that the Israelite spies observed Neteru
New-age-There is a New age dawning as millions of people daily wake up out of their materialistic sleep. But be warned, the dark lords are tying to make it all into a new religion, and the same ignorance will happen all over again.
New world order-This is the fascist world government, that day by day are taking control of peoples liberties, by using their manufactured wars and terrorism to scare people into accepting a world dictatorship.
Nibiru-The Sumerians knew about all the outside planets of the solar system in 6000BC, yet moderns only discovered Pluto in 1930.There is also a tenth planet recorded with an orbit of 3600years.Its name is Nibiru.
Noah's Ark-
No fly zone-This is the air space over Iraq from which Iraqi planes were banished. The allies patrolled it daily, yet they said Saddam was moving weapons and that they didn’t see him with all their satellite technology. BS.
Numerology-The study of the occult use and supposed influence of numbers. This is possible because everything that exists has its own unique electro-magnetic energy .Even names have a vibration.
Octave-An interval between two notes on the diatonic scale. But this also relates to dimensions of reality, and where you can usually very find nasty entities feeding of human negative energy and fear.
One world mind-Because of the poles on earth people have a polar reality and see things as opposites and unconnected. But after 2012 when time changes, all humans will become of one mind.
Orme gold-The ancient Kings and Pharaohs used to ingest powdered gold as it extended their life span and heightened their consciousness.
Original sin-Religions brainwash people to join and stay with them using scare tactics. They usually pick on insecure people and tell them that they sinned before birth and will burn in hell if they don’t accept their beliefs.
Orion-The Hunter constellation that the Egyptians believed to be their god Osiris. The 3 pyramids in Giza/Egypt are aligned to the 3 stars in the belt of Orion.
Orthodox resistance-Many new archaeological discoveries are time and time again suppressed because they do not fit with more primitive science ideas of the past. This is especially rife in Egyptology.
Over-soul-There is an all-knowing consciousness that flows through everything and is everything. Some call it God, some Allah, some Yahweh and there are countless other names.
Ozone truth defect-The ozone is depleting because of the sun. The dark lords are also beaming scalar weapons onto the upper atmosphere to try to break the dimensional energy web that stops them leaving the planet.
Pagan-The Latin word pagus , originally meant something stuck in the ground as a landmark. The noun paganus means country dweller or villager. The Church labelled these people as devil worshippers, slaughtering them.
Pagan Christ-Early Christianity before the Romans was a pagan belief system. The son of God story actually in its true form means SUN-of God. Christianity is a SUN cult. They worship on SUNDAY.
Palm resorts-Amazing luxury resorts claimed from the sea on the coast of Dubai. The way they were built sounds like how Plato described the layout of Atlantis which supposedly sunk in the Atlantic ocean.
Pandora’s box-In Greek mythology, Pandora was sent by the gods with a jar full of evils in order to avenge Prometheus’s theft of fire. She opened the jar out of curiosity, thus releasing the evils into the world.
Philadelphia experiment-In 1943 the American military used E.T technology to try and cloak a ship from radar, but they were double crossed and the experiment ripped open a time portal.
Philosophy-The branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the examination of concepts such as truth, existence, and reality. It used to be very much a part of Christianity but it made people think, so they took it out.
Photon belt-Belt of highly charged photonic light that the solar system as a whole is orbiting into at this present time. Just like every 13,000 years when it happens there will be great planetary cleansing.
Pineal eye-The pineal gland in the brain is the secret to higher consciousness. This is why mystics through time have always said that heightened sight comes through a 3rd eye in the forehead.
Piri-Reis Antarctic map-This map was owned by a Turkish Admiral who says it was a copy of much earlier maps. It shows the coasts of S.America and Africa, and Antarctica without ice. So how old is it?
Pisces end-The 2160 years of the age of Pisces is ending and Aquarius the age of light is beginning. Pisces was the age of religious and female suppression.
Planetary acupuncture-The ancient Druids knew the planet consisted of crisscrossing energy lines and they understood that if you could erect stones on these points they could harness and balance the energies.
Planets nerve cells-As above, the Druids built their temples here and used the energies to heal or to balance and dissipate the powerful destruction of earthquakes.
Planets grid-There is a complex grid of energy lines intersecting all across the planet causing vortex points. The ancients pagans built their places of worship there, then later Christian churches were built on top.
Planet X-The Sumerians 6000BC already knew all the planets in the solar system and a 10 th one called Nibiru. This is where religions creation gods come from. If you read Genesis in this light then it starts to make sense.
Polar-reality-Because of earth physical poles life here is forced to experience reality as opposites. Up-down/good-bad/light-dark. Earth is soon to move into unity consciousness where reality is experienced as all one.
Pole-globe deluge shift-Around 11,000 years ago the poles of the earth physically shifted and caused a massive deluge across large parts of the planet. The only thing to survive this was the Great Pyramid.
Pole-shift-There is the magnetic pole of earth which wanders all the time, and then there is the other actual physical pole-shift that throws mountains around like pebbles, creating mountain ranges, sinking continents.
Powdered gold-Ancient kings knew that monatomic gold when eaten could extend life and raise consciousness. The Dead sea in Israel /Jordan stores it naturally. This is the real reason for the holy lands and Jerusalem.
Prana-The life-force energy of the universe that you breath in with oxygen. Through violence of birth, when forced to breathe suddenly, humans throughout their life breathe shallow, which makes it difficult to breathe prana.
Precession of the equinox-There is a 26,000 year cycle of the earth that travels through the 12 constellations. The cosmic effects of each different time dictate rises and falls of civilizations and religions.
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Pre-history-History is biased against everyone except the ruler who writes it. Humans think their history only goes back a few thousands of years, but different advanced human races have lived on earth for millions of years.
Project Paperclip-
Psychedelic life-Humans would be nothing like they are today if their ancestors religions hadn’t been based heavily around hallucinogenic plant ingestion. In fact all religions are based around magic-mushrooms.
Psychoactive plants-The earth gives natural herbs, plants and fungi to humans for free to enhance and expand their awareness and consciousness. But their very existence threatens those who want control.
Puma Punku-Amazing ancient site in Bolivia that has intricately carved blocks that weigh more than 200 tons. They were thrown around like play-blocks by an enormous earthquake around 11,000 years ago.
Puppet leaders-The faces seen everyday on the news who you think are in control of the world are just lackeys who answer to some very nefarious unseen forces. They are puppets who do exactly what they’re told.
Quantum theory-
Quetzalcoatl-The plumed serpent in Mayan belief. He was the sun-god born on the 25th of December like all the others. The Spanish knew about him and decimated the Indians by claiming to be their god.
Rainbow tribe-Referring to the awakening happening on earth to the human race, when many souls who have incarnated together for millennia in different bodies and life situations will come together at the end of this age.
Reality hosts-Timeless entities with no fixed abode in time and space and answer to no power in the universe except the source. When a planet is in quarantine like earth, they help awaken the sleeping masses into their true light state.
Rear Admiral Byrd-Said he flew into the land of the inner earth by going down through the entrance at the poles. He claimed that he saw valleys, mountains and rivers and U.F.O’s. He said also he saw a mammoth.
Re-birth- To be spiritually re-born in a physical body, by realising the spiritual truth about life and living in a new more conscious way.
Reiki-Japanese healing art, where universal energy flows through the giver into the receiver by laying on hands or lightly touching the persons body. Reiki concentrated on the chakras can clear stuck energy and negative emotion.
Reincarnation-Life to death, when a persons soul inhabits a new body to return to work off bad karma. Jesus taught reincarnation but the Romans ostracised it so people would think they were born un-holy sinners.(This is Ram Dass and i think he has taken many mushrooms in his life having a positive lasting affect on his consciousness)
Remote viewing-
Reptilian-brain-The most ancient part of the human brain. This is where extreme hierarchy, cast systems and cold blooded dictatorships stem from. Watch the reptiles in the wild, especially komodo dragons and crocs.
Resurrection-Christians believe that Jesus resurrected after being on the cross. But they really need to do some homework, as this story is symbolic of the sun being born again at the end of the year after 3 days.
Revelations-Last book in the bible that’s tells of the beast (New World Order/U.N) and the Messiah (hale-bopp comet/nibiru) and the end of the world (end of the age and a New age of man beginning).
Right side of the brain-This is the female, intuitive, emotional and knowing side of the brain, that has been suppressed by left brained science and education. The rape of the Goddess earth is directly linked to this sin.
Rule of male-As above. The Goddess religions were subjugated in the 18th dynasty in Egypt and aggressive male dominated religions took over. This started the downward spiral into the depravity of the world today.
Sacred geometry flowers-
Sacsayhuaman-Massive zig-zag fortress in Cusco Peru, where the builders actually softened the blocks with herbs and moulded them together. Some of the rocks used are 300 tons. This is a Shamanic Kundalini temple.
Samaria-The name "Samaria" derives from an ancient city of the same name, which was located near the centre of Samaria, and was the capital of the Kingdom of ancient Israel.
Samson/Sam-sun-Had his hair cut in the Bible by Delilah and lost his strength. This again never happened and once again is symbolic of the sun losing its power. Not many know but the name Delilah means night-time.
Satanic pentagon-This building of war was consciously built and designed to be the centre of a satanic pentagram. The rest of Washington D.C is laid out geometrically with very ancient symbols. So why is this?
Satanic rituals-Blood sacrifice follows certain bloodlines right the way through history. These groups kill people to appease demonic gods that reside in the lower 4th dimension. All wars are mass rituals to these reptilians.
Second coming-This is referring to the return of the planet Nibiru/Eris and the new human awareness known as Christ consciousness. Christians think its Jesus returning, but he was the sun and the mushroom.
Second coming ice-snake-Again this is referring to the return of a cosmic body which will again enter the solar system. Nibiru is a planet but may be actually a large ice-comet.
Second sun-In the ancient earth there was a large body in the solar system that reflected the sun and looked like a second sun. There is also the Lucifer project to ignite a planet into a sun.
Secret societies-These groups have always hidden earth knowledge and magic from the masses for their own good. But this knowledge can be used by groups to enslave and create fear.
Secret Space-
Serpent D.N.A-The ancients depicted the D.N.A strands as two intertwining serpents, but how did they know this before the modern invention of microscopes?
Serpent gods-When shamans take hallucinogenic planets they meet wise snakes. All ancient texts talk of snake gods and some people say they have seen people shape shift into reptilians.
Serpent power-This is the kundalni energy that rises up the spine like a serpent to the 3d eye pineal gland to activate human higher consciousness. The same energy within earths dragon lines.
Shape-shifting-The author David Icke is the main information source for researching the fact that many people see other humans change from human form into reptilians.
Shaman-Holy medicine people who are initiated into secret earth knowledge who ingest hallucinogenic plants to meet with the animal teachers of human-kind. The real Jesus was a Shaman.
Shaman Christ-Jesus was part of a Shamanic sect called the Essenes who lived in the Sinai desert. He was initiated into high knowledge in Egypt and India and returned as a teacher.
Shamanic raves-The ancient Shamans of the world would retreat to deep caves to hold their holy plant/drug initiations and then paint their journeys. Moderns still do exactly the same.
Shamballa-There has always been the story that within the earth exists a highly advanced civilization that went there thousands of years ago to escape earth changes.
Shangri-la-A different name for Shamballa.
Sinai-The triangular Red sea peninsular that is part of Egypt. It is the supposed area of the Biblical story of Moses and the Israelites. There is proof here of an ancient nuclear explosion.
Sirians-People from the star Sirius who assisted the Egyptians in building the Great Pyramid through their great geometric knowledge. They also visited the Dogon people.
Sirius-The brightest star in the sky which lies down to the left of the Orion constellation. Ancient Egypt is heavily influenced by this star as it was worshipped as the goddess Isis.
Sith-The evil Darth soldiers of the Emperor in the Star-Wars films who are as powerful as the JedI Knights. The JedI were a real secret sect from ancient Egypt. Spelt Djedi.
Sky snakes-The primitive earth people saw comets in the sky which reminded them of the sky ships of the ancient snake gods. They tracked these cycles with standing stone calendars.
Sodom and Gomorrah-In the Bible its said God destroyed these cities as they were depraved. But this was a strategic nuclear hit by the Sumerian god Enki.
Solar hormone theory-The sun directly affects changes in the human D.N.A and genes, this makes changes in females biological systems and can affect which type of baby they birth.
Softened granite
Solar Godly son-The Jesus story is all about how the sun moves through the sky over the year. Jesus is just the latest character for the sun-god story which has been told for millennia.
Solon-Is the person who Plato got the story from about the existence and destruction of Atlantis. Solon was said to have travelled to Egypt and heard the story from some priests.
Sonic levitation-Its possible to make an object weightless by directing sound at it. The ancients had mastered this concept and were able to move , cut , and place giant blocks high up.
Sonic power-The ancients built their temples with sacred geometry harmonic knowledge .Everything they did and everything they built was in tune with the breathing patterns of the planet.
Spaceship moon-Earths moon is not the original there used to be two others millions of years ago. This moon was piloted into its orbit to stabilize the oceans after a great cosmic cataclysm.
Space sperms-Comets and meteorites hold new life in their bacteria’s and viruses. When they crash into planets their radiation and heat kill off old species but simultaneously instigate new life
Sphinx-The guardian of great secrets that sits in Giza beside the pyramids. It is more than 8000 years old as it is weathered by years of vertical water flows and rains.
Smart bomb-The military are supposed to possess weapons that can think for themselves and target only military targets and save civilian lives. Obviously they must all be malfunctioning.
Spheres of renaissance times-Right from this time people were seeing U.F.O’s in the sky and many were painted into important scenes. There are many nativity paintings with U.F.O’s.
Spermy comets-Comets are the sperm of the universe , that bring new life in the form of bacteria to the eggs of the universe which are planets.
Spiral arm-Everything on earth and in the universe exists in the shape of a spiral. This is evident if you look at the golden ratio. The solar-system exists at the end of a spiral arm in the galaxy.
Spirituality-People associate religion as the only way to spirituality but this is so untrue as spirituality is a personal thing. You can be aware of the great spirit and not be brainwashed.
Spear of destiny-This is supposed to be the spear that was used to pierce Jesus on the cross. Hitler was supposed to have possessed this holy relic, but it wasn’t the real thing obviously.
Star children-Many many humans are not strictly just human, as many are different soul entities that have chosen to incarnate in human form on earth at this time. Take a very close look at the children being born now as they are of cosmic mind.
Star-gates-Only when the solar-system is inside the photon belt can time-travel and star-gates be understood and realised. Earth has now cycled back to this time of galactic wake-up.
Star-sea-Referring to the great ocean that is the universe. The Egyptian Pharaohs depicted themselves sailing across the sky in their great boats returning home to Osiris/Orion.
Stepford-wife-Used to describe a servile, compliant, submissive, spineless wife who happily does her husband's bidding and serves his every whim dutifully.
Star-wars-We all know the movies, but the Americans also started a space defence missile system of the same name. It was supposed to have finished after the cold war but did not.
St Elmos fire-This non-burning fire is the visible electrical glow on the tops and extremities of masts of ships, or at the summits and ends of branches of trees. This is what Moses could have seen in the Sinai .Or else he was high on manna/mushroom.
St Nick-Was born during the third century in the village of Patara in Greece.. He was buried in his cathedral church, where a unique relic, called manna, formed in his grave. This liquid substance, said to have healing powers. We now know manna is the magic mushroom.
String theory-Elementary particles in space-time could be thought of as the "musical notes" or excitation modes of elementary strings. String theory suggests the existence of eleven dimensions.
Subjugation of the female-After the great cataclysm of 13,000 years ago, because of mans lack of science, he decided he had to enslave the Goddess/earth, male religions still do this today as their fear of the earth manifests in fear of the female.
Superconductivity-This is when an electrical charge moves over distance without diminishing its power. The Ark of the Covenant was one and Powdered gold turns humans into one.
Supernatural-pertains to entities, events or powers regarded as beyond nature, in that they cannot be explained by the laws of the natural world. Religious miracles are also supernatural.
Supernova-A supernova can radiate as much energy as the Sun would emit over 10 billion years, the expanding shock waves from supernova explosions can trigger the formation of new stars
Super-conscious-The conscious mind is your personality . The sub-conscious operates all your organs and brain. The super conscious is the link to the great spirit. The mind of God.
Sun flares-Flares typically last a few minutes and can release energies equivalent to millions of hydrogen bombs. Flares become frequent near sunspot maximum,, every 11 years.
Sun-spot cycles-Regions on the Sun's surface marked by a lower temperature, which have intense magnetic activity, forming areas of low surface temperature. The cycles last 11 years.
Super-conscious mind-If humans were able to use 100% of their brains instead of less than 10 , they would be plugged directly into the mind of the great spirit once more.
Sun-moon rituals-Moderns have lost the essence of being on earth, which is to understand the cycles of life and death and the evolution of the soul. The ancients lived to track time.
Sumeria-Ancient civilization (6000bc) ancient Iraq. These people knew information about the planets and stars that moderns have only recently discovered with the use of satellites.
Sumerian tablets-The Sumerian King List records all the rulers of Earth back over 400,000 years. They also tell the original Flood and creation stories which were later put on paper as the Bible. There are still thousands to translate.
SUN of God-Jesus was not the son of God he was the symbolic SUN of God that dies on the 21st of December, and is re-born every year 3 days later on the 25th .Sunday the lords day.
SUN-gods-The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30; hence, the “Sun of God” begins his ministry at “age” 30.
The sun is hung on a cross or “crucified,” which represents its passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected. There are at least 15 sun-gods.
Sun mutation-It is widely known that the sun among other things causes mutation within the species of earth. Photonic light from galactic centre from Alcyone filters through the sun.
Symbolism-The right side of the brain understands symbolism but modern humans are mostly turned of to this reality through left-brained education. This makes it nearly impossible to understand the minds of the ancients and the architecture and obsessive behaviour and ceremonies of the Illuminati.
Synchronicity-Your life is already planned out by yourself before your present incarnation. If you are experiencing coincidence and synchronicity you are on your proper life path.
Tectonics-These cause earthquakes as they float around on liquid mantle and grind each other. Many standing stones were erected to release this energy safely, to be used for healing purposes instead.
Therianthropes-These are half human animal creatures that Shamans are seen to transform into whilst ingesting hallucinogenic plants. They became the animal, so they drew them on cave walls for all to see.
The Watchers-In the Book of Enoch, which was banished from the Bible, it talked about these beings who would interfere and manipulate human history. These are the Elohim of the Bible and the Annuniki in Sumerian.
Tiahuanaco-Possibly the oldest ruined city on the planet. 15,ooo BC. It was built with enormous blocks and was once a port of Lake Titicaca. When the Andes rose 11,000 years ago the Lake washed many miles away.
Titicaca Lake-The highest navigate-able lake in the world. When the Andes were created just 11,000 years ago in the great cataclysm, this lake was elevated to its present height. There are ancient cities beneath.
Tree of life-Just like the Tree of Knowledge, this was psychoactive plants. God (E.T’s) in the garden of Eden didn’t want their new humans to know all, so they forbade the use and ingestion of higher visionary stems.
The Now-Peoples minds are usually regretting the past or worrying about the future, they are rarely consciously present in the moment. This condition only crept into the human psyche after the great cataclysm.
Telepathic readings-The ancient humans were connected to earth intimately as they communicated with plants and animals quite naturally through intuition. This all changed when the gods arrived and fiddled D.N.A.
Templar-The original Freemasons who dug under Jerusalem and found the truth of Jesus mortality and plans for advanced building techniques. Its thought they found the Ark of the Covenant also. They became very rich.
Tiamat-Was an all ocean planet that used to exist in the solar system 4 billion yeas ago. It was thought to have been destroyed in a great collision, but it was also thought to have been destroyed deliberately. Was ancient earth.
Torah-The Jewish Book which is also the first 5 books of the Christian Bible. The title comes from the word Tarot (as in the cards) and if you go back further the word actually means Thoth the Egyptian god of wisdom.
Turin Shroud-The Christians would like to believe this is Jesus but its not. It comes from a much later time but is still considered holy by many as it most likely the image of a high ranking Knights Templar.
Tzoklin-The name of the Mayan calendar system which can calculate dates of 300 million years into the future. Nothing is coincidence, so I’m truly amazed at the similarities of its name and the “Lord of the Rings” author.
U.F.O-Many of the crafts that people see every year are made right here on earth, the first were made by the Nazis. But most saucers are from other worlds and they travel here through time and inter-dimensionally.
Un-holy vultures-Referring to the predators that lurk openly within every religion who blatantly rob God fearing, insecure people of their money, promising them that the more they give the more chance they will make heaven.
Unity consciousness-Creatures on earth have a polar reality as they perceive everything to be opposites and disconnected from each other. Unity con is when everything is acknowledged to be interconnected.
Universal spirals-Everything in the universe and nature is a spiral. You have spiral galaxies and spiralling waves on earth. Just watch how smoke also spirals with no breeze. Look at how leaves and plants grow. 1.6.
Ulster Scottish-People who live in Northern Ireland but have their ancestral roots in Protestant Scotland. They even have their own Celtic Gaelic form of language.
Useless eaters-The Illuminati spelt out the kind of people that they wanted to eradicate from earth before their New World Order came fully in. They are drug users, single homosexual men, and people of colour.
Vaccination fears-The multiple vaccination programs directed at children are not to protect, they are to destroy the higher wisdom and intuition of the Indigo children being born all over the planet at this time.
Vampire-You watch the films and you think its fairy tale, but these creatures exist in one form or other. Vlad the Impaler was a real blood drinker, and its not unheard of that warriors would drink each others blood in battle.
Vibration rates-Everything in reality is just energy and matter vibrating at different speeds. At this present time the photon belt is speeding matter up and this is the sense that everyone feels of time speeding up.
Visionary stems-There are many plants on earth that help induce higher consciousness. If they are from the earth its obvious they are meant to be taken by the inhabitants. To make them illegal or to tax them is a crime.
Voodoo-Within the voodoo society, there are no accidents. Practitioners believe the universe is all one and each thing affects something else. Voo doo. View you.
Vril power-
Wars of the gods-Recorded in every ancient text of the world is the story of this war. From India to Scandinavia to Ireland and America the ancients talk of the Extraterrestrial technology war of pre-history.
Weather weapons-It’s a fact that the technology exists to manipulate weather. It was first invented By Nicola Tesla but now its in the hands of the Illuminati. All these recent major hurricanes are man-made.
We-moon cycles-In pre-history when humans respected and worshipped the Goddess they followed the moon calendar of 13 months of 28 days. This was a time of great knowledge when women were in control.
White electric mirror Mayan line-This is one of the houses of knowledge within the Mayan calendar system.
Wisdom smoke-From about 40,000 years ago humans have used hallucinogenic plant mixtures to meet with the earth and animal gods. This is how the ancients were able to evolve all a sudden into advanced humans.
World bank-
Wormhole-A passage in space-time connecting widely separated parts of the universe. Your scientists on earth are still trying to find one and prove they exist. So I ask you, how do you think that I, Dr Mu got here?
Yahweh-The Hebrew/Christian God of the new testament. He was a male wrathful creator who asked for human Sacrifices. In fact he was everything in nature that the Israelites didn’t understand, most of all a volcano.
Yellowstone park-The largest super volcano in the world which is showing some disturbance at this time. If this thing erupted it would annihilate America and block out the sun destroying crops all over the planet.
Yeshua-This is the real name of the great Shaman Christ that his family would have spoke to him using. All words and names have a certain vibration and some are very powerful and holy. The name Jesus is different.
Yin-Yang-The action-reaction of the universe. Religious people think a God is always watching and will punish or reward them accordingly. But everything is electro-magnetic energy so what you give out you get back.
Yoga-This was one of the arts along with meditation etc that was devised to help the humans balance and deal with the new alien D.N.A in their make-up. They used to be naturally connected to the source purely by breathing.
Zep-Tepi-This was the starting point of the world again, halfway through the 26,000 year precessional cycle. After the solar system emerged from the great cataclysm after being in the photon band for 2000 years.
Zero-time-What was the reason for restarting time at the supposed birth of Christ? It was so that the dark lord could steal time through their new calendars. There is a mass possibility that this is not actually 2007 but earlier.
Ziggurats-Massive pyramid step-like structures built in ancient Sumeria for the E.T gods, so they could impregnate the human females. This story is told very clearly in the Bible. These gods were the Annuniki.
Zodiac-Means animal circle and is referring to the 12 star signs. The Bible is said to be the greatest story ever told, but you don’t have to look too deep to find out that the Bible is the story of the Precession of the equinox.
3rd dimension
3rd eye-The pineal gland in the brain used to secrete a hormone that the ancient humans could use to speak with animals and each other telepathically. This was genetically turned off by the gods by splicing in their D.N.A.
4th dimension
5 platonic solids-The 5 geometric shapes that everything in the universe and nature are made up of.
5th Dimension
5th New world of man-
7th heaven-Different holy characters were taken on different types of heavenly flights up to the 7th heaven. But you find when reading them closer that they ingested plants and visited the 7 dimensions above 3D.
2012-The date that the Mayan calendar finishes. Many people think it will be the end of the world, but this is deliberate propaganda to scare people into accepting a nefarious world government. Its simply the end of this age.
20 symbols from the stars-This is referring to the Mayan Calendar glyphs which each represent a different energy to be used on their special days for maximum cosmic effect.
10,500BC-This is the date that the Sphinx and Great Pyramid where cosmically aligned to. The ancients knew the only thing that would survive the coming cataclysm of 13,000 BC would be the giant pyramid.
33rd parallel